Mayor Attends The Salvation Army’s Men’s Breakfast

Earley Town Mayor, Cllr Mike Smith, attended a Men’s Breakfast hosted by The Salvation Army, Lower Earley on Saturday 15th June 2024.


Speaking after the event, the Mayor said “On Saturday, the 15th June, the Earley Salvation Army Corps held the latest of their Men’s Breakfasts.  This event is aimed at all men in Earley who would like the opportunity to meet others for a chat, a bite to eat and a few games.  This is for those who may feel a bit lonely or new to the area or just fancying a bit of company.  The intention is to run the event once a month.  The event was well attended, with Danny doing a great job on bacon and sausage baps, pastries as well as teas and coffee. The event was organised by Roelof Vermeulen, one of the Corp Leaders.”