A New Playground is Coming to Collins Drive!

In July 2023, Earley Town Council took ownership of the open spaces on the Collins Drive development. On transfer, one of our top priorities was to renovate the toddler play area which had fallen into a state of disrepair. After a lot of hard work, we are excited to announce that the new play area is coming very soon!


In October 2023, we invited all residents of Collins Drive and Westcroft Close to take part in our playground consultation to find out what was important to them in their new play area. The key findings were:


  • 60% of respondents voted for a natural appearance.
  • Top 5 play values: swinging, sliding, climbing, balancing and spinning
  • Top 5 types of equipment (in addition to a climbing frame): swings, balance trail, roundabout, springer and seesaw
  • Residents also asked for a picnic bench, a bin and improved surfacing.

Since completing the consultation, officers have worked hard to bring these dreams to reality.


We put together a detailed specification for playground suppliers and received four proposals. A panel of officers scrutinised each of the proposals considering design suitability, play value, durability & longevity, sustainability & environmental factors, and cost.


We are proud to announce that the proposal submitted by Proludic was selected. The design incorporates many different play elements for children, offering a variety of equipment whilst maintaining a community feel. The materials selected are natural in appearance and built to last and Proludic prides itself on its environmental policy.


The new play area will have: a climbing frame with slide, a selection of swings, a roundabout, a balance beam, a seesaw, a springer, a climbing hut and play panels. This will create an inviting, fun and safe space for toddlers and young children without imposing on the open kick about space, or the overall natural appearance of the site.


On Monday 20th May, a Community Information Session was held onsite, with residents of Collins Drive and Westcroft Close invited to come along to see the plans and speak to a representative of Proludic.



The installation of the new play equipment will begin in mid-June, taking approximately 4 weeks to complete.


Take a virtual tour of the playground – Collins Drive Fly-through (vimeo.com)