Green Fair 2023 – What a Great Day!

Despite the weather conditions, Earley Town Council was pleased to be able to go ahead with its Green Fair at Maiden Erlegh Nature Reserve on Saturday 5th August.


Many stallholders braved the wet weather to offer advice and information to visitors who came out armed with their umbrellas, to visit a variety of stalls such as homemade cakes, books, tandem bikes, as well as several community groups and well-known organisations.


Visitors were able to warm up with a nice hot tea or coffee from Maiden Erlegh Rotary Club who also offered cakes, crisps and other goodies.


This year there was a new highlight to the event with First Class Falconry displaying an array of beautiful birds of prey from Molly the Owl, Lisa the Falcon to the very vocal Kookie the Kookaburra. Handler Alan Greenhalgh was only too pleased to talk to visitors about his birds and some lucky visitors even got to hold them.


Staff from Earley Town Council offered free children’s craft activities, ran a mini-Helpshop and gave general advice to residents whilst ensuring the day ran smoothly. Earley Town Councillors ran a quiz with three lucky people winning a bug hotel each.


The Town Council would like to thank all those who ventured out and braved the weather to bring such good spirits to a very wet, but enjoyable day. Earley Town Council’s Green Fair is held the first Saturday in August every year and the Town Council looks forward to seeing everyone again next year.