New Town Mayor & Deputy Town Mayor

Earley has a new Town Mayor, elected at the Annual Meeting of the Town Council held on 17th May 2023. 


Councillor Caroline Smith was elected by her fellow town councillors to serve as Town Mayor for 2023/24. The outgoing Earley Town Mayor, Councillor Tahir Maher, presented Councillor Smith with the Chain of Office and she took over as chair of the meeting.


In her acceptance speech, Councillor Smith thanked the outgoing Town Mayor and paid tribute to him, observing how well Councillor Maher had represented the Town Council over the past year. Councillor Smith, who is a town councillor for Radstock ward, said how keen she is to meet with lots of different communities, groups and organisations throughout the town.


At the same meeting Earley Town Council also appointed Councillor Melanie De Jong as Deputy Town Mayor for 2023/24.


The role of Town Mayor is a civic one and the position is non-political. During their year in office, the Town Mayor engages with the local community by attending functions, officiating at events and presenting prizes, along with being a key figure who represents the Town Council.  The Town Mayor can be invited to events by emailing [email protected]



         Cllr Caroline Smith, Town Mayor                Cllr Melanie De Jong, Deputy Town Mayor