Coffee Pod Recycling at re3

re3 is working in partnership with Podback to trial coffee pod recycling facilities at their Recycling Centres at Longshot Lane, Bracknell Forest and Island Road, Reading.


Pods can be collected and stored at home until householders are ready to take them to the Recycling Centres. Residents must book a slot prior to their visit using re3’s click and tip service. Podback disposal containers will be clearly signed. The pods need to be emptied loose into the appropriate aluminium or plastic pod container. Bags and other packaging must not be included.


Once collected, the coffee pods will be sent to specialist recycling plants in the UK1. The pods are shredded to remove the coffee, then the plastic and aluminium is used to create new products, including packaging, car components and building products.  The coffee grounds will be treated by anaerobic digestion to create renewable energy (biogas) and soil improver.



Source: re3 press release – Coffee pod recycling introduced at Recycling Centres, 10.07.2023