Cost Of Living Help Available Now – The Hardship Alliance

The Hardship Alliance’s recent survey saw residents describe increasing challenges in their daily lives and found that the majority of residents surveyed said they have not reached out for help.


Wokingham Borough Council’s Hardship Alliance is urging residents in need of some support to reach out, you do not need to be in receipt of benefits to be eligible for financial support.


The Household Support Fund can help residents if they’re struggling with:


  • Food

  • Energy

  • Bills

  • Other essentials

The fund will see more than £1million allocated to help Wokingham Borough residents in 2023/24, it comes directly from the Government to help residents struggling with these issues.


Some of Wokingham Borough Council’s Hardship Alliance partners can provide £100 per household with a food, fuel or cash voucher. To apply:


First Days Children’s Charity is providing support for families where children receive means-tested free school meals. This is £15 per week, per eligible child, during the school holidays. If you received this support from First Days since October 2022, you do not need to apply again.


Anyone who needs other help or support can contact the Citizens Advice Wokingham One Front Door. This includes support for welfare benefits, debt, housing, employment law amongst other areas or helping you to access services. Residents can use the online referral form or call 0808 278 7958, Monday to Friday.