Ride Anywhere Week 21st – 27th March 2022

Ride Anywhere Week is a spring campaign by Love To Ride to encourage people to enjoy the many benefits of riding a bike. Riders can choose their own pledge to ride and have a week to complete it! No matter what their personal goals, Love to Ride will support and encourage riders to complete their pledge.


Riders can choose one of the following four pledges:


  • Ride for health and fitness– there are a LOT of reasons to enjoy a bike ride, find out more about the most tangible ones that will help you feel happier and stronger and live longer! 
  • Ride for transportation – to work, to school, to the store – we’ll help you start making any journey from A to B by bike.
  • Ride for adventure – whether it’s to ride somewhere new or bikepack for the first time, enjoy a pedal-powered adventure!
  • Ride with kids – saddle up and enjoy a bike ride with your kids this week. It might seem complicated, but we can help you roll out together.

There are prizes to be won, badges to win and fun to be had from 21st – 27th March and everyone, no matter their riding level, can take part. To find out more, and to register, go to lovetoride.net

