No Increase in Earley Town Council Precept for 2022/23

At their Full Council meeting on 9th February, Earley Town Councillors voted unanimously not to increase the precept for 2022/23, conscious that some residents could be facing significant financial pressures in the coming year.


Councillors had discussed next year’s budget in a series of meetings held over the past few months and agreed that, as a result of good financial management, they were in a position to keep the town council’s share of residents’ council tax at the same level as last year. In 2022/23, as part of their council tax bill, the average Band D household in Earley will pay £82.51 a year towards the Town Council services.


However, the 0% increase does not mean Earley Town Council doesn’t have ambitious plans for improving things in the town over the next 12 months. Environmental projects are at the heart of the new budget, there are plans for enhancing the local environment and biodiversity and encouraging residents to do the same. Work is underway to create a new, informal space for local charities and support groups and there are funds allocated for a revitalised and expanded youth service. Other projects for 2022/23 include replacing dilapidated bus shelters and an overhaul of community centre heating systems which should result in lower bills and a better experience for hirers.