Wokingham Borough Council’s Local Plan Update: Revised Growth Strategy Consultation – Proposed Designation of ‘Local Green Spaces’

As part of Wokingham Borough Council’s Local Plan Update, Earley Town Council would like to see a number of areas in Earley designated as Local Green Space, to ensure greater protection against development and to help strengthen the case for Local Green Space designation, the Town Council are asking Earley residents to show their support.


For full details on the proposals for Local Green Space designation in Earley, please see Appendix L extracted from WBC’s Topic Paper on Local Green Space together with a copy of the Criteria used by WBC in carrying out their assessment. 


More details on Local Green Space areas can also be found on WBC’s Interactive Map at https://wokingham.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=4108644c82ca42a99eb395687ac134ca


It is important to remember that without active support by local residents, land not designated as Local Green Space could risk future development.


Earley residents can show their support for the designation of Local Green Spaces in their locality by contacting the Local Plan Update team at [email protected]


The closing date for comments is 24th January 2022.